Quilty Connections Blog — affiliate
The Quilt Shop Co-Op (That Rhymes!)
Posted by Jennifer Davis on

Quilt Shop Families helping Quilt Shop Families! Â A NEW Quilt Shop Co-Op (yes, it rhymes!) happening in Jenn's Favorite Quilty Things on Facebook August 19-24! Â It all starts at 9am Eastern each morning, and will continue every hour on the hour through 9pm each night! I'll be posting pictures, links, and videos of some of MY favorite things from my friends' websites! You'll see some quilt kits, lots of fabric, some limited quantity items, and even a few exclusive discount codes! Â Mon, Aug 19 is Two Chicks Quilting Day! Tues, Aug 20 is Quilting Mayhem Day! Wed,...
THIS is what makes me the most proud...
Posted by Jennifer Davis on
Quilt Shop Families helping Quilt Shop Families! When a friend is in need, her friends will be right there! When I said "I think I am going to need help," my Quilty Friends from across the country came immediately to my side. And these Quilt Shop Owner Friends responded very simply..."What can we do, Jenn?" It has been almost a month since I began building this affiliate platform...this bridge, which will help my family get through the next several months. And of all the things that have been put into place so far, THIS is what makes me the most...
***NEW Partner Alert!***
Posted by Jennifer Davis on

https://picklepiedesigns.com/?ref=THELITTLESHOPOFSTITCHES I am thrilled to be partnering with Lisa from Pickle Pie Designs! Lisa and I have worked on other projects in the past, and I am so proud to be one of her newest affiliates! Follow the link above to peruse her machine embroidery designs for in the hoop projects, purses, quilting designs, and more! I'll be sharing some of my personal favorites very soon! I am so lucky to have such wonderful quilty friends! Your purchases through my link helps to support The Little Shop Family! Thank you!!
Happy Prime Days!
Posted by Jennifer Davis on

Happy Prime Day, everyone! Head on over to The Little Shop's newest Facebook group, and check out all of my Prime Day Picks!  Jenn's Favorite Quilty Things! I posted yesterday A LOT of Quilty goodies with links! All of these items are products The Little Shop does not normally carry! And remember to "Start With Jenn!" Begin with any of my Amazon links in the group to begin shopping! Whether you decide to purchase the quilty things - or whether you decide to get power towels and a big-screen TV - as long as you START with my link (and...
- Tags: affiliate, amazon, associate, family, prime days
Exciting Partnership with Kimberbell!
Posted by Jennifer Davis on

 ***NEW, NEW, NEW!*** Exciting news for machine embroidery enthusiasts! The Little Shop is now a Kimberbell Affiliate!! Use this link to connect directly with Kimberbell, download your designs, and start stitching TODAY! This link will also take you to Kimberbell blanks, embellishments, stabilizers, and tools! And yes, your purchase helps to support The Little Shop Family!  https://kimberbell.com/?wpam_id=203